The average salary for HR Manager in every State in the United States is based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS conducts surveys on wage data in the US.
When planning your career you may ask do HR managers make a lot of money? Many factors are considered in setting wages such as education and experience in the job. We have compiled the wage data for all 50 states.
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How much does a Human Resources Manager in the United States make?
Based on the BLS May 2021 survey here is the salary data for Human Resource Managers in the US :
The average salary for HR Manager in Alabama is $109,520.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Alabama, there are approximately 1,650 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Alabama is $51,530, which is the lowest in the continental US. But on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Alabama can make as much as $162,820.
The average salary for HR Manager in Alaska is $117,440.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Alaska, there are approximately 360 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Alaska is $75,290, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Alaska can make as much as $190,290.
The average salary for HR Manager in Arizona is $122,850.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Arizona, there are approximately 2,700 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Arizona is $66,020, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Arizona can make as much as $189,830.
The average salary for HR Manager in Arkansas is $108,070.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Arkansas, there are approximately 1,090 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Arkansas is $58,760, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Arkansas can make as much as $162,820.

California has the most HR Managers in the US
With over 24,900 people working as Human Resources Managers California is probably the best place to be if you want to move up in the field of HR. They also have many complicated laws. SHRM dedicates a whole page on their website just to California.
The average salary for HR Manager in California is $154,430.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In California, there are approximately 24,920 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in California is $77,990, but on the high-end, a human resource manager salary California can climb as high as $191,620.
The average salary for HR Manager in Colorado is $155,720.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Colorado, there are approximately 2,300 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Colorado is $95,140, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Colorado can make as much as $180,360.
The average salary for HR Manager in Connecticut is $144,130.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Connecticut, there are approximately 3,140 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Connecticut is $77,510, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Connecticut can make as much as $168,490.
The average salary for HR Manager in Delaware is $146,220.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Delaware, there are approximately 440 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Delaware is $77,860, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Delaware can make as much as $168,490.
The average salary for HR Manager in the District of Columbia is $162,810.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Washington DC, there are approximately 1,990 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in the District of Columbia is $100,250, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in the District of Columbia can make as much as $183,680.
The average salary for HR Manager in Florida is $118,520.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Florida, there are approximately 7,820 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Florida is $62,840, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Florida can make as much as $178,660.
The average salary for HR Manager in Georgia is $124,520.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Georgia, there are approximately 5,840 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Georgia is $65,420, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Georgia can make as much as $207,280.
The average salary for HR Manager in Hawaii is $112,570.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Hawaii, there are approximately 580 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Hawaii is $74,930, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Hawaii can make as much as $162,720.
The average salary for HR Manager in Idaho is $105,120.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Idaho, there are approximately 610 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Idaho is $59,340, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Idaho can make as much as $161,150.
The average salary for HR Manager in Illinois is $128,820.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Illinois, there are approximately 12,210 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Illinois is $66,170, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Illinois can make as much as $207,420.
The average salary for HR Manager in Indiana is $115,910.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Indiana, there are approximately 2,440 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Indiana is $65,960, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Indiana can make as much as $167,880.
The average salary for HR Manager in Iowa is $115,820.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Iowa, there are approximately 1,300 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Iowa is $74,820, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Iowa can make as much as $167,660.
The average salary for HR Manager in Kansas is $115,620.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Kansas, there are approximately 1,090 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Kansas is $70,660, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Kansas can make as much as $162,820.
The average salary for HR Manager in Kentucky is $110,840.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Kentucky, there are approximately 1,630 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Kentucky is $64,870, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Kentucky can make as much as $161,600.
The average salary for HR Manager in Louisiana is $99,290.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Louisiana, there are approximately 1,610 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Louisiana is $60,190, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Louisiana can make as much as $160,580.
The average salary for HR Manager in Maine is $130,160.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Maine, there are approximately 480 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Maine is $77,960, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Maine can make as much as $207,420.
The average salary for HR Manager in Maryland is $137,430.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Maryland, there are approximately 2,770 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Maryland is $80,330, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Maryland can make as much as $206,540.
The average salary for HR Manager in Massachusetts is $160,460.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Massachusetts, there are approximately 6,540 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Massachusetts is $79,700, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Massachusetts can make as much as $206,550.
The average salary for HR Manager in Michigan is $120,150.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Michigan, there are approximately 4,500 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Michigan is $71,540, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Michigan can make as much as $189,830.
How much do top HR managers make?
Minnesota boasts the highest wage for Human Resource Managers in the US.
The average salary for HR Manager in Minnesota is $135,920.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Minnesota, there are approximately 4,000 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Minnesota is $77,380, but on the high-end in Minnesota, a HR Manager salary per month would be $17,300 which makes your annual salary as much as $207,600.
The average salary for HR Manager in Mississippi is $101,710.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Mississippi, there are approximately 610 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Mississippi is $60,000, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Mississippi can make as much as $161,860.
The average salary for HR Manager in Missouri is $119,210.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Missouri, there are approximately 2,510 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Missouri is $68,630, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Missouri can make as much as $184,110.
The average salary for HR Manager in Montana is $92,790.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Montana, there are approximately 350 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Montana is $58,860, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Montana can make as much as $130,150.
The average salary for HR Manager in Nebraska is $112,040.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Nebraska, there are approximately 1,150 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Nebraska is $71,880, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Nebraska can make as much as $162,820.
The average salary for HR Manager in Nevada is $90,820.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Nevada is $60,390, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Nevada can make as much as $135,580.
The average salary for HR Manager in New Hampshire is $139,960.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In New Hampshire, there are approximately 730 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in New Hampshire is $75,290, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in New Hampshire can make as much as $163,270.
The average salary for HR Manager in New Jersey is $170,850.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In New Jersey, there are approximately 4,410 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in New Jersey is $103,030, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in New Jersey can make as much as $206,540.
The average salary for HR Manager in New Mexico is $108,180.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In New Mexico, there are approximately 680 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in New Mexico is $61,140, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in New Mexico can make as much as $162,820.

Do human resources managers make good money?
New York has the highest average salary for Human Resource Managers in the United States.
The average salary for HR Manager in New York is $180,380.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In New York, there are approximately 10,440 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in New York is $98,720, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in New York can make as much as $163,360.
The average salary for HR Manager in North Carolina is $131,810.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In North Carolina, there are approximately 5,110 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in North Carolina is $75,670, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in North Carolina can make as much as $207,420.
The average salary for HR Manager in North Dakota is $127,260.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In North Dakota, there are approximately 190 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in North Dakota is $78,060, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in North Dakota can make as much as $206,540.
The average salary for HR Manager in Ohio is $131,770.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Ohio, there are approximately 4,420 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Ohio is $77,040, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Ohio can make as much as $207,520.
The average salary for HR Manager in Oklahoma is $110,690.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Oklahoma, there are approximately 1,450 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Oklahoma is $60,700, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Oklahoma can make as much as $170,440.
The average salary for HR Manager in Oregon is $120,570.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Oregon, there are approximately 2,360 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Oregon is $75,090, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Oregon can make as much as $168,010.
The average salary for HR Manager in Pennsylvania is $128,530.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Pennsylvania, there are approximately 6,490 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Pennsylvania is $62,980, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Pennsylvania can make as much as $206,540.
The average salary for HR Manager in Rhode Island is $156,710.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Rhode Island, there are approximately 350 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Rhode Island is $78,240, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Rhode Island can make as much as $190,890.
The average salary for HR Manager in South Carolina is $103,790.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In South Carolina, there are approximately 1,820 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in South Carolina is $52,160, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in South Carolina can make as much as $160,920.
The average salary for HR Manager in South Dakota is $102,590.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In South Dakota, there are approximately 290 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in South Dakota is $74,340, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in South Dakota can make as much as $143,870.
The average salary for HR Manager in Tennessee is $102,330.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Tennessee, there are approximately 3,580 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Tennessee is $58,830, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Tennessee can make as much as $160,920.
The average salary for HR Manager in Texas is $132,290.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Texas, there are approximately 11,930 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Texas is $77,060, but on the high-end, an hr manager salary Texas could be as much as $207,420.
The average salary for HR Manager in Utah is $113,030.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Utah, there are approximately 1,670 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Utah is $60,990, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Utah can make as much as $168,490.
The average salary for HR Manager in Vermont is $120,760.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Vermont, there are approximately 300 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Vermont is $74,780, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Vermont can make as much as $168,750.
The average salary for HR Manager in Virginia is $148,990.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Virginia, there are approximately 4,780 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Virginia is $81,030, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Virginia can make as much as $171,720.
The average salary for HR Manager in Washington is $151,620.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Washington, there are approximately 3,700 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Washington is $95,140, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Washington can make as much as $168,660.
The average salary for HR Manager in West Virginia is $110,660.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In West Virginia, there are approximately 500 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in West Virginia is $61,090, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in West Virginia can make as much as $166,000.
The average salary for HR Manager in Wisconsin is $127,110.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Wisconsin, there are approximately 2,690 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Wisconsin is $78,080, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Wisconsin can make as much as $183,920.
The average salary for HR Manager in Wyoming is $106,100.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Wyoming, there are approximately 140 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Wyoming is $68,700, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Wyoming can make as much as $161,520.

The average salary for HR Manager in Guam is $65,150.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Guam, there are approximately 80 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Guam is $36,850, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Guam can make as much as $101,860.
The average salary for HR Manager in Puerto Rico is $66,700.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In Puerto Rico, there are approximately 1,260 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in Puerto Rico is $36,380, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in Puerto Rico can make as much as $118,870.
The average salary for HR Manager in The Virgin Islands is $91,930.
A Human Resources manager’s responsibilities vary based on the company’s size and location and so does pay. The number of jobs available in this field can vary as well. In the Virgin Islands, there are approximately 50 people working as HR managers.
The lowest salary for an HR Manager in the Virgin Islands is $51,600, but on the high-end, a Human Resources Manager in the Virgin Islands can make as much as $125,770.
Read how to become an HR Manager at your company or learn about what a Human Resource Manager does.